Call of duty : World at War
15 participantes
- AkiraTetsuo 
- Número de Mensagens : 687
Idade : 46
Localização : PTM
Data de inscrição : 30/11/2008
Re: Call of duty : World at War
Sex Dez 26 2008, 14:31
ruij escreveu:Hoje já devo acabar a camapanha...
Arrisco-me a dizer que estou a gostar mais desta campanha do que da do COD4!
O jogo é muito mais violento, com facadas, soldados desfeitos, e mortes em cãmara lenta...
Os ambientes são muito melhores também. O assalto a Berlim pelos russos é excelente, com paisagens duma cidade destruida em chamas, e aviões a sobrevoar... só mesmo jogando!!!
Só tem senão:
Por estar a jogar em hard, as vezes morro com tiros sem saber donde vieram, ou com granadas que nem me aparece o tal ícone para me desviar, o que me deixa frustrado...LOL
Mais logo já assalto o online!!
Eh man tas todo batido nisso, eu ainda estou no principio da campanha, eu eo fersa temos feitos altas jagatans todos os dias!!!!
- CryptonairCasual
- Número de Mensagens : 166
Idade : 68
Data de inscrição : 30/11/2008
Re: Call of duty : World at War
Seg Dez 29 2008, 12:02
Kosovar e Viciado, já têm o jogo?? se sim, hoje podemos ir todos mandar uns balázios
- sanduixeNovato
- Número de Mensagens : 43
Idade : 30
Data de inscrição : 08/12/2008
Re: Call of duty : World at War
Seg Dez 29 2008, 15:53
Ainda na estou na dúvida, não sei se o compre.
O jogo parece excelente, mas já ouvi que nos mapas do online há com cada bug, que dá para alguns gajos ficarem lá a acampar e depois morre-se por coisas dessas.
O jogo parece excelente, mas já ouvi que nos mapas do online há com cada bug, que dá para alguns gajos ficarem lá a acampar e depois morre-se por coisas dessas.
- sardasCasual
- Número de Mensagens : 243
Idade : 30
Data de inscrição : 01/12/2008
Re: Call of duty : World at War
Seg Dez 29 2008, 16:26
o jogo esta muito bom, tive a jogar um pouco da campanha em veterano (arrisquei logo), e estou na missao do burn´ em out, e de facto muitas vezes morresse com tiros sabesse la de onde, e isso e mau, odeio isso, mas o jogo esta muito bom e basicamente o unico aspecto que nao gosto no jogo. depois fui pa online um pouco, o jogo esta um espectaculo online, adoro a springfield, aind mato um bocado com ela, e a thompson tambem e boa, perks, adoro o stoping power da muito jeito, gosto do mapa castle, e engracado, o matin nao e mau, e depois ha outro que eu tambem gosto que nao me lembro do nome... nao gosto do upheavel
ha, e so uma coisa, ruij e blue, voces convidaram-me mas eu nao me consegui juntar, aquilo nao estava a conseguir juntar, se calhar foi porque eu estava a comecar a jogar online e estava num nivel baixo, e ainda nao tinha acesso ao tipo de jogo que voces estavam a jogar...
ha, e so uma coisa, ruij e blue, voces convidaram-me mas eu nao me consegui juntar, aquilo nao estava a conseguir juntar, se calhar foi porque eu estava a comecar a jogar online e estava num nivel baixo, e ainda nao tinha acesso ao tipo de jogo que voces estavam a jogar...
- ruij 
- Número de Mensagens : 335
Idade : 32
Data de inscrição : 30/11/2008
Re: Call of duty : World at War
Seg Dez 29 2008, 18:56
Pois... Acho que só a partir do nivel 13 é que podemos jogar Capture The Flag, que é o que mais tenho jogado...
Talvez amanha já se faça uma boa party LP
Talvez amanha já se faça uma boa party LP
- pmbentoNovato
- Número de Mensagens : 18
Idade : 42
Data de inscrição : 22/12/2008
Re: Call of duty : World at War
Ter Dez 30 2008, 02:27
Bons jogos ontem com o FERSA05 e o ASORDEP
Logo há mais!
Logo há mais!
- sardasCasual
- Número de Mensagens : 243
Idade : 30
Data de inscrição : 01/12/2008
Re: Call of duty : World at War
Ter Dez 30 2008, 05:44
nao e a nivel 13, e a 14, eu ontem tive para ai uma hora a jogar e tou a nivel 13 e ainda nao tenho acesso a esses modos de jogo, mas faco mais um team deathmatch e ja posso jogar, ate agora os niveis tem-se passado rapido, mas uma coisa que eu reparei e que agora ja nao e ate nivel 55 e ate nivel 65, em que nivel estao??
- ruij 
- Número de Mensagens : 335
Idade : 32
Data de inscrição : 30/11/2008
Re: Call of duty : World at War
Ter Dez 30 2008, 05:51
Eu estou no 35
O Fersa e o Blue é que já estão mais avançados...
O Fersa e o Blue é que já estão mais avançados...
- sardasCasual
- Número de Mensagens : 243
Idade : 30
Data de inscrição : 01/12/2008
Re: Call of duty : World at War
Ter Dez 30 2008, 06:52
humm... ok, entao ainda estou um pouco atrasado...
vou ver se hoje consigo ir a casa jogar um pouco!!
vou ver se hoje consigo ir a casa jogar um pouco!!
- Kosovar_ptExperiente
- Número de Mensagens : 366
Idade : 45
Data de inscrição : 30/11/2008
Re: Call of duty : World at War
Ter Dez 30 2008, 13:43
Tenho o jogo desde hoje e só posso dizer: WAW !!!! Campanha, cooperativo e "competitivo"(xD) muito bons!!!
Re: Call of duty : World at War
Ter Dez 30 2008, 17:41
Também já tenho o jogo e estou a gostar do que vejo... apesar de ainda só ter ido ao modo campanha.
Amanhã já devo ir para o Online.
Edit: Acabei o modo campanha, adorei... agora está na hora de ir para o Online.
Amanhã já devo ir para o Online.
Edit: Acabei o modo campanha, adorei... agora está na hora de ir para o Online.
- pmbentoNovato
- Número de Mensagens : 18
Idade : 42
Data de inscrição : 22/12/2008
Re: Call of duty : World at War
Sáb Jan 03 2009, 18:18
Akira, FERSA, bons jogos ontem
Sobre o que eu estava a tentar explicar em relação aos pings:
Tal como no CoD 4, no CoD WaW não existem servidores dedicados para jogar. Os jogos são sempre hosted na máquina do primeiro jogador a entrar numa sala de jogo, i.e. se porventura um jogador quiser jogar por exemplo "Capture the Flag" e não existir numa sessão (party) já criada nesse tipo de jogo, então é criada uma nova sessão (party) por esse jogador. Nessa altura vai aparecer em cima aquela mensagem "Waiting for X players to enter.." ou qualquer coisa do género. Este é o melhor cenário para ti e provavelmente para todos os jogadores do mesmo ISP e afins, visto que vão ter um ping excelente (4 barrinhas verdes)
Eu pessoalmente nunca jogo nenhum jogo onde tenha menos de 3 barras de ping, não vale apena. Acreditem que faz toda a diferença, principalmente para sniping
Abraços e bons jogos!
Sobre o que eu estava a tentar explicar em relação aos pings:
Tal como no CoD 4, no CoD WaW não existem servidores dedicados para jogar. Os jogos são sempre hosted na máquina do primeiro jogador a entrar numa sala de jogo, i.e. se porventura um jogador quiser jogar por exemplo "Capture the Flag" e não existir numa sessão (party) já criada nesse tipo de jogo, então é criada uma nova sessão (party) por esse jogador. Nessa altura vai aparecer em cima aquela mensagem "Waiting for X players to enter.." ou qualquer coisa do género. Este é o melhor cenário para ti e provavelmente para todos os jogadores do mesmo ISP e afins, visto que vão ter um ping excelente (4 barrinhas verdes)
Eu pessoalmente nunca jogo nenhum jogo onde tenha menos de 3 barras de ping, não vale apena. Acreditem que faz toda a diferença, principalmente para sniping
Abraços e bons jogos!
- DrColhasCasual
- Número de Mensagens : 147
Idade : 56
Data de inscrição : 09/12/2008
Re: Call of duty : World at War
Sáb Jan 03 2009, 21:12
Bem hoje já fiz a minha estreia no online... Agora só falta treinar bastante para ver se chego a um nivel decente!
- AkiraTetsuo 
- Número de Mensagens : 687
Idade : 46
Localização : PTM
Data de inscrição : 30/11/2008
Re: Call of duty : World at War
Seg Jan 05 2009, 02:46
pmbento escreveu:Akira, FERSA, bons jogos ontem
Sobre o que eu estava a tentar explicar em relação aos pings:
Tal como no CoD 4, no CoD WaW não existem servidores dedicados para jogar. Os jogos são sempre hosted na máquina do primeiro jogador a entrar numa sala de jogo, i.e. se porventura um jogador quiser jogar por exemplo "Capture the Flag" e não existir numa sessão (party) já criada nesse tipo de jogo, então é criada uma nova sessão (party) por esse jogador. Nessa altura vai aparecer em cima aquela mensagem "Waiting for X players to enter.." ou qualquer coisa do género. Este é o melhor cenário para ti e provavelmente para todos os jogadores do mesmo ISP e afins, visto que vão ter um ping excelente (4 barrinhas verdes)
Eu pessoalmente nunca jogo nenhum jogo onde tenha menos de 3 barras de ping, não vale apena. Acreditem que faz toda a diferença, principalmente para sniping
Abraços e bons jogos!
Por acaso estou bem batido no jogo ainda nao estou perfeito nem nada disso ainda dou com cada prego que ate vai nas horas, o senao do cod 5 é que maior parte das vezes tanto eu como o fersa tentamos convidar um ao outro e nao dá, nao sei bem qual é o problema mas se tiver alguma coisa a ver com o nat nao é pois eu tenho nat 2, e pelo que dizem no cod 4 no principio tb era assim, convidava se o pessoal o pessoal aceitava e depois dava erro e nao dava para convidar ninguem, vamos lá ver se mandam algum patch para resolver essa situaçao!!!!
- pmbentoNovato
- Número de Mensagens : 18
Idade : 42
Data de inscrição : 22/12/2008
Re: Call of duty : World at War
Seg Jan 05 2009, 03:52
AkiraTetsuo escreveu:
Por acaso estou bem batido no jogo ainda nao estou perfeito nem nada disso ainda dou com cada prego que ate vai nas horas, o senao do cod 5 é que maior parte das vezes tanto eu como o fersa tentamos convidar um ao outro e nao dá, nao sei bem qual é o problema mas se tiver alguma coisa a ver com o nat nao é pois eu tenho nat 2, e pelo que dizem no cod 4 no principio tb era assim, convidava se o pessoal o pessoal aceitava e depois dava erro e nao dava para convidar ninguem, vamos lá ver se mandam algum patch para resolver essa situaçao!!!!
Sim isso às vezes acontece, mesmo agora no CoD 4 ainda acontece. O ideal para o convite funcionar é alguém estar à espera numa party e depois fazer o convite. Convidar para juntar a um qualquer jogo que já está em andamento costuma funcionar mal. Outra coisa pela qual os convites costumam falhar é devido à party estar quase cheia quando se faz o convite e acabar de encher antes da outra pessoa entrar. Já o CoD 5 tem a vantagem de ter opções para partys, tipo só entra que é convidado. Vejam a opção "Party Privacy" ou qualquer coisa do género.
Não há nada que chegue ao estilo do Resistance. Que saudades de podes escrever com teclado
- FERSA05 
- Número de Mensagens : 451
Idade : 50
Data de inscrição : 30/11/2008
Re: Call of duty : World at War
Ter Jan 06 2009, 07:58
Obrigado pela dia BENTO.
Temos de jogar mais vezes :).
Agora o que o AKIRA tem vendo a experienciar em relação a ligar-se a mim e eu a ele, pelo que li tem a ver com os servidores dos tipos, existem montes de pessoal a queixar-se do mesmo. :(
Obrigado pela dia BENTO.
Temos de jogar mais vezes :).
Agora o que o AKIRA tem vendo a experienciar em relação a ligar-se a mim e eu a ele, pelo que li tem a ver com os servidores dos tipos, existem montes de pessoal a queixar-se do mesmo. :(
- CryptonairCasual
- Número de Mensagens : 166
Idade : 68
Data de inscrição : 30/11/2008
Re: Call of duty : World at War
Dom Jan 11 2009, 10:01
Pessoal, aconteceu-me uma desgraça... o meu Blu-ray do COD:Waw está riscado...
A PS3 não consegue ler o jogo.
Alguém me pode ajudar com esta situação?? é que os jogos não têm garantia...
A PS3 não consegue ler o jogo.
Alguém me pode ajudar com esta situação?? é que os jogos não têm garantia...
- AkiraTetsuo 
- Número de Mensagens : 687
Idade : 46
Localização : PTM
Data de inscrição : 30/11/2008
Re: Call of duty : World at War
Dom Jan 11 2009, 15:11
Crypton de fininho pegas em gel para lavar as maos e poes em cima do disco blue ray enches a camada toda de gel para as maos depois passas agua fria da torneira ao de leve para tirares o gel depois de secares de fininho com um bocado de papel higienico muito ao de leve e do centro para fora, exprimentas depois na ps3 a ver se entra se não entrar fazes a mesma coisa outra vez mas desta vez faz mais força a limpares o disco porque a camada que fica á vista ouseja a camada de fora é só para proteger os dados que estao no disco exprimentas assim até dar vais ver que tanto limpares a ps3 vai ler na boa isso ja me aconteceu e resultou muito bem, ou senaõ se tiveres um videoclube ai perto da tua casa vai lá que eles normalmente tem uma maquineta que tiram os riscos aos dvds visto que tb devem dar para os blue ray!!!
Força depois comenta ai se conseguiste por o disco a funcar!!!!
Força depois comenta ai se conseguiste por o disco a funcar!!!!
- AkiraTetsuo 
- Número de Mensagens : 687
Idade : 46
Localização : PTM
Data de inscrição : 30/11/2008
Re: Call of duty : World at War
Seg Jan 12 2009, 06:04
Ora bem aqui vai os problemas que tem afectado muita boa gente incluindo eu no COD5WW, em relaçao em convidar pessoal e depois dar" this session is no longer available" ou seja nao se conseguir convidar ninguem, pois é mesmo bug dos servidores, aqui vai a lista queo pessoal da TREYARCH ja tem e estao a começar a fazer esse bem dito patch que bem precisa, não esquecer que o COD4 tb trazia problemas quando saiu, aqui vai:
**READ!** PS3 Known Issues List
Posted: 14 days ago 2050 | 214 Share:
Since there isnt one, though im aware someone tried to make one a while back - it wasnt updated or comprehensive really, i figured id create a known bug list for the PS3 game client.
Anyway, heres the list so far, i will update and maintain this as time goes on, if i miss any bugs please post them below and i will add them to the list, ill also mark bugs as fixed when Treyarch resolves them. The list is in no order since its down to Treyarch to prioritise the list as they wish, down to man hours, severity, possibility etc etc.
Colour coded as follows:
.................................................COD:W@W PS3 KNOWN BUGS LIST...............................................
1) AFTER ACTION REPORT: is blank after match, no data is loaded into the client window.
2) MIGRATING HOSTS: usually times out after first attempt, despite multiple potential hosts in lobby.
3) CASTLE MAP: Under and out of map, players can get out of the normal game arena.
4) CASTLE MAP: Elevator glitch, players can glitch and end up hovering many feet in the air giving them a suprise advantage and view across much of the map.
5) CASTLE MAP: Out of map glitch, it is possible for a player to be able to climb onto the top of the main (RED) castle roof and be hidden from other players below in the normal game arena, whilst being able to still attack people despite being clipped into various areas of the castle roof.
6) CASTLE MAP: Out of map glitch, using a bazooka exploit, it is possible for a player to be able to climb onto the top of the main castle roof and be hidden from other players below in the normal game arena, whilst being able to still attack people despite being clipped into various areas of the castle roof.
7) CLIFFSIDE MAP: Elevator glitch, players can elevate in the air and gain a suprise and height advantage giving them a view unintended by the map design.
8) MAKIN MAP: Clipping / Map glitch: there is scenery on the map where players can clip into, where they can then crouch and be invisible to other players, yet still be able to attack others.
9) INVITE FRIENDS: Non functional, and has been for the majority of players since approx Friday 26th Dec 2008. Inviting other people results in error messages such as "game session is no longer available" to the invitee. A small minorty seem unafected by the bug. This still affects people even when both clients are open to the internet and not behind a firewall or NAT.
10) PORTS: The list of ports used by this PS3 client have not been released to the public by Treyarch, it would be good if you could in order that we can put our firewalls back on and our PS3's back onto our internal networks, and/or forward the ports needed to make features such as the friends list work properly. Previous to friday 26th (see bug 9) it was necassary to make the client machine open to the internet in order to get this to work properly.
11) MATCH QUALITY: When joining games, the client checks to see if the host is good enough quality for a game to be played on, then it joins if conditions are met. This needs to be more stringent, or allow the user to set options in the client to ONLY connect to servers with ping states acceptable to them, location, and possibly even other factors such as maps etc. EX: 3 Bar ping or better, maps makin [x] cliffside [x] castle [ ] etc etc.
12) JOINING HOST ON INITIALISE: If the client joins a host right at the second the counter reaches 0 and is initialising the loading screens, the client will hang in an unrecoverable state, requiring a hard reset of the client machine.
13) MUTE PLAYER: Muting a player only lasts till the end of the round, then you are unable to mute a player when in the lobby, when map changes you have to remute people all over again, muted player should stay muted for the duration of being in the same game lobby (even after migrating hosts) if not be permanent until client unmutes (cross servers and game sessions)
14) SAVE GAME: Single player, saved games often dont load and report that the save is not compatible with the current version - though the version has not changed. This usually happens if the player has exited game and/or restarted their machine between loading saves.
15) SETTING UP GAME: When clients joins a host of poor quality and the game progresses through the loading screens, the clients can become stuck on or just after the "Setting up game..." screen, this usually only shows on screen for a second or less, yet will hang there for minutes on end with clients still able to chat via coms. The timeout should be much faster, or allow the client to still quit out during this stage, as currently you have to sit and wait 5 minutes for it to timeout, OR restart your machine.
16) STATS RESET: At the end of a public game, if clients exit by hard shutting down their system and not exiting using the in game menus, then their stats data can become corrupted and end up with the majority of their statistical information, including level, being lost. This is due to them interrupting the data save process while the game is communicating with the stats server.
17) BOOT CAMP: Under certain conditions, the option to join boot camp game mode still remains available, and high level players can still join and play on a bootcamp server, despite him and his party mates being too high a level to normally join the game mode.
18) BOOT CAMP: If a player stays in boot camp and doesent leave, they can remain there indefinately, despite their rank. The game should at some have a cut off point make them "pass out" as you should do after boot camp, and force them out of the game (not mid match obviously!) this could be done with a "Congratulations!" type message and perhaps a little fanfare or whatever, maybe some text explainign how its time to go out into the battlefield and fight for victory blah blah.
19) DOMINATION BOOSTING: Teams of players are exploiting the game mode for domination. Suggested fix: make B uncapturable until the other flag points have been taken at least once by both teams. IE: each team should have to capture their "home" flag at least once before being able to get B, this will then mean that even if players collaborate and capture home flags and then B, the ticket system will be unbalanced and thus stop them gaining so much from doing this. It wont however stop them completely, but will reduce the affect of what they do.
20) SPAWNING ISSUES: Due to the way the game currently spawns you near team mates, for various reasons including avoiding spawn rape, players can end up being spawned right in the middle of an artillery strike, spawned ontop of bouncing betties, spawned next to team mates who are currently in last stand and get shot along with their dying team member, spawned in a corner with your camera looking up in the air, spawned with your back to several enemies, etc etc. This bad game spoiling bug needs a priority above all but game stopping bugs.
21) UNLIMITED AMMO: If a player mounts a machine gun using a bi-pod, it is possible to fire the weapon constantly without needing to reload or having the gun overheat.
22) BOUNCING BETTIES: When placing a Bouncing Betty mine, the mine can self trigger and detonate in the players face killing them. This seems to happen when the player is being viewed in spectator cam, but can also happen doe to the "bubble" trigger surrounding the Mine clipping through walls and ceilings. A mine can be placed on the 1st floor of a boulding and depending where it is, if a player walks under it or is stood on the floor below the mine will trigger. Mines can also be placed next to walls and if an enemy player is on the other side of the wall the mine will trigger killing the planter and not injuring the enemy in any way.
23) VOICE COMS: Frequently when in parties, voice coms will stop working, sometimes for the whole party, but more often for one or two people - who wont be able to hear each other, but everyone else can hear each of them. The other bugged players coms light will not even appear to "light up" if you are in this state with them. Leaving the party and re-joining it can cure the problem, as can sometimes adding another person to the party - suddenly coms become functional again.
24) ROUNDHOUSE MAP: Under and out of map, players can get out/under the map. players can then move around much of the map without being attacked, whilst still being able to attack others.
25) ROUNDHOUSE MAP: Clipping glitch, players can climb under the crane adjacent to bomb site A, unlike the other railroad models whose wheel bases are solid. the Crane allows players to clip into the model, the player can still be attacked however.
26) ROUNDHOUSE MAP: Glitch, an invisible walkway exists that allows players to get ontop of train carriages and enabling them to jump from train to train, gaining access to unintended areas of the map.
27) SEELOW MAP: Under and out of map, players can get out/under the map, players can then move around approx 85% of the map without being attacked, whilst still being able to attack others running around above them.
28) D-PAD UNRESPONSIVE: Sometimes the Dpad can become unresponsive mid game, meaning a player is unable to call artillery or open the map, or give orders to squad. Intermittent bug that rarely happens, unable to reproduce reliably. Bug confirmed with several other users.
29) "BLANK" SHOTS: Sometimes when firing pistols or bolt action rifles multiple shots can be fired as if by a semi automatic weapon, the amunition is still deducted from the players cache, however any of these extra shots that occur do no damage to the intended target. This annoying delay can often result in the death of the person it occured to - due to the valuable seconds wasted reloading. This bug tends to happen when being shot at by an enemy, and is possibly affected by bad latency.
30) I HEAR DEAD PEOPLE: During search and destroy matches it is sometimes possible to hear the (dead) enemy team over voice coms, sometimes they can hear you but usually it is only one way. Enabling you to "spy" on their team by listening to conversation. One way to replicate this seems to be if a player goes into last stand and is then recovered - the game counts them as dead. You can still talk with teammates over voice as normal. Players could potentially exploit this and deliberately put themselves into last stand in order to spy.
31) MAN LEFT BEHIND!: When a party leader selects "find game" and takes his party to a server, sometimes players can get left behind in the lobby, this can happen even if the server has slots free. Sometimes the party leader will end up dropping into a new game lobby only to find his party hasnt joined him.
32) DROPPED PARTY: When a party leader selects "find game" and takes his party to a server, sometimes the game will have a hard time finding a server to go to (even with 100,000 people online) and players get dropped from the party, or the whole party will end up disolved unless the party leader presses O and backs out of it after a few seconds (this can still result in one or two people dropped)
.......Done for now, will add more later, thanks for submissions!
**READ!** PS3 Known Issues List
Posted: 14 days ago 2050 | 214 Share:
Since there isnt one, though im aware someone tried to make one a while back - it wasnt updated or comprehensive really, i figured id create a known bug list for the PS3 game client.
Anyway, heres the list so far, i will update and maintain this as time goes on, if i miss any bugs please post them below and i will add them to the list, ill also mark bugs as fixed when Treyarch resolves them. The list is in no order since its down to Treyarch to prioritise the list as they wish, down to man hours, severity, possibility etc etc.
Colour coded as follows:
.................................................COD:W@W PS3 KNOWN BUGS LIST...............................................
1) AFTER ACTION REPORT: is blank after match, no data is loaded into the client window.
2) MIGRATING HOSTS: usually times out after first attempt, despite multiple potential hosts in lobby.
3) CASTLE MAP: Under and out of map, players can get out of the normal game arena.
4) CASTLE MAP: Elevator glitch, players can glitch and end up hovering many feet in the air giving them a suprise advantage and view across much of the map.
5) CASTLE MAP: Out of map glitch, it is possible for a player to be able to climb onto the top of the main (RED) castle roof and be hidden from other players below in the normal game arena, whilst being able to still attack people despite being clipped into various areas of the castle roof.
6) CASTLE MAP: Out of map glitch, using a bazooka exploit, it is possible for a player to be able to climb onto the top of the main castle roof and be hidden from other players below in the normal game arena, whilst being able to still attack people despite being clipped into various areas of the castle roof.
7) CLIFFSIDE MAP: Elevator glitch, players can elevate in the air and gain a suprise and height advantage giving them a view unintended by the map design.
8) MAKIN MAP: Clipping / Map glitch: there is scenery on the map where players can clip into, where they can then crouch and be invisible to other players, yet still be able to attack others.
9) INVITE FRIENDS: Non functional, and has been for the majority of players since approx Friday 26th Dec 2008. Inviting other people results in error messages such as "game session is no longer available" to the invitee. A small minorty seem unafected by the bug. This still affects people even when both clients are open to the internet and not behind a firewall or NAT.
10) PORTS: The list of ports used by this PS3 client have not been released to the public by Treyarch, it would be good if you could in order that we can put our firewalls back on and our PS3's back onto our internal networks, and/or forward the ports needed to make features such as the friends list work properly. Previous to friday 26th (see bug 9) it was necassary to make the client machine open to the internet in order to get this to work properly.
11) MATCH QUALITY: When joining games, the client checks to see if the host is good enough quality for a game to be played on, then it joins if conditions are met. This needs to be more stringent, or allow the user to set options in the client to ONLY connect to servers with ping states acceptable to them, location, and possibly even other factors such as maps etc. EX: 3 Bar ping or better, maps makin [x] cliffside [x] castle [ ] etc etc.
12) JOINING HOST ON INITIALISE: If the client joins a host right at the second the counter reaches 0 and is initialising the loading screens, the client will hang in an unrecoverable state, requiring a hard reset of the client machine.
13) MUTE PLAYER: Muting a player only lasts till the end of the round, then you are unable to mute a player when in the lobby, when map changes you have to remute people all over again, muted player should stay muted for the duration of being in the same game lobby (even after migrating hosts) if not be permanent until client unmutes (cross servers and game sessions)
14) SAVE GAME: Single player, saved games often dont load and report that the save is not compatible with the current version - though the version has not changed. This usually happens if the player has exited game and/or restarted their machine between loading saves.
15) SETTING UP GAME: When clients joins a host of poor quality and the game progresses through the loading screens, the clients can become stuck on or just after the "Setting up game..." screen, this usually only shows on screen for a second or less, yet will hang there for minutes on end with clients still able to chat via coms. The timeout should be much faster, or allow the client to still quit out during this stage, as currently you have to sit and wait 5 minutes for it to timeout, OR restart your machine.
16) STATS RESET: At the end of a public game, if clients exit by hard shutting down their system and not exiting using the in game menus, then their stats data can become corrupted and end up with the majority of their statistical information, including level, being lost. This is due to them interrupting the data save process while the game is communicating with the stats server.
17) BOOT CAMP: Under certain conditions, the option to join boot camp game mode still remains available, and high level players can still join and play on a bootcamp server, despite him and his party mates being too high a level to normally join the game mode.
18) BOOT CAMP: If a player stays in boot camp and doesent leave, they can remain there indefinately, despite their rank. The game should at some have a cut off point make them "pass out" as you should do after boot camp, and force them out of the game (not mid match obviously!) this could be done with a "Congratulations!" type message and perhaps a little fanfare or whatever, maybe some text explainign how its time to go out into the battlefield and fight for victory blah blah.
19) DOMINATION BOOSTING: Teams of players are exploiting the game mode for domination. Suggested fix: make B uncapturable until the other flag points have been taken at least once by both teams. IE: each team should have to capture their "home" flag at least once before being able to get B, this will then mean that even if players collaborate and capture home flags and then B, the ticket system will be unbalanced and thus stop them gaining so much from doing this. It wont however stop them completely, but will reduce the affect of what they do.
20) SPAWNING ISSUES: Due to the way the game currently spawns you near team mates, for various reasons including avoiding spawn rape, players can end up being spawned right in the middle of an artillery strike, spawned ontop of bouncing betties, spawned next to team mates who are currently in last stand and get shot along with their dying team member, spawned in a corner with your camera looking up in the air, spawned with your back to several enemies, etc etc. This bad game spoiling bug needs a priority above all but game stopping bugs.
21) UNLIMITED AMMO: If a player mounts a machine gun using a bi-pod, it is possible to fire the weapon constantly without needing to reload or having the gun overheat.
22) BOUNCING BETTIES: When placing a Bouncing Betty mine, the mine can self trigger and detonate in the players face killing them. This seems to happen when the player is being viewed in spectator cam, but can also happen doe to the "bubble" trigger surrounding the Mine clipping through walls and ceilings. A mine can be placed on the 1st floor of a boulding and depending where it is, if a player walks under it or is stood on the floor below the mine will trigger. Mines can also be placed next to walls and if an enemy player is on the other side of the wall the mine will trigger killing the planter and not injuring the enemy in any way.
23) VOICE COMS: Frequently when in parties, voice coms will stop working, sometimes for the whole party, but more often for one or two people - who wont be able to hear each other, but everyone else can hear each of them. The other bugged players coms light will not even appear to "light up" if you are in this state with them. Leaving the party and re-joining it can cure the problem, as can sometimes adding another person to the party - suddenly coms become functional again.
24) ROUNDHOUSE MAP: Under and out of map, players can get out/under the map. players can then move around much of the map without being attacked, whilst still being able to attack others.
25) ROUNDHOUSE MAP: Clipping glitch, players can climb under the crane adjacent to bomb site A, unlike the other railroad models whose wheel bases are solid. the Crane allows players to clip into the model, the player can still be attacked however.
26) ROUNDHOUSE MAP: Glitch, an invisible walkway exists that allows players to get ontop of train carriages and enabling them to jump from train to train, gaining access to unintended areas of the map.
27) SEELOW MAP: Under and out of map, players can get out/under the map, players can then move around approx 85% of the map without being attacked, whilst still being able to attack others running around above them.
28) D-PAD UNRESPONSIVE: Sometimes the Dpad can become unresponsive mid game, meaning a player is unable to call artillery or open the map, or give orders to squad. Intermittent bug that rarely happens, unable to reproduce reliably. Bug confirmed with several other users.
29) "BLANK" SHOTS: Sometimes when firing pistols or bolt action rifles multiple shots can be fired as if by a semi automatic weapon, the amunition is still deducted from the players cache, however any of these extra shots that occur do no damage to the intended target. This annoying delay can often result in the death of the person it occured to - due to the valuable seconds wasted reloading. This bug tends to happen when being shot at by an enemy, and is possibly affected by bad latency.
30) I HEAR DEAD PEOPLE: During search and destroy matches it is sometimes possible to hear the (dead) enemy team over voice coms, sometimes they can hear you but usually it is only one way. Enabling you to "spy" on their team by listening to conversation. One way to replicate this seems to be if a player goes into last stand and is then recovered - the game counts them as dead. You can still talk with teammates over voice as normal. Players could potentially exploit this and deliberately put themselves into last stand in order to spy.
31) MAN LEFT BEHIND!: When a party leader selects "find game" and takes his party to a server, sometimes players can get left behind in the lobby, this can happen even if the server has slots free. Sometimes the party leader will end up dropping into a new game lobby only to find his party hasnt joined him.
32) DROPPED PARTY: When a party leader selects "find game" and takes his party to a server, sometimes the game will have a hard time finding a server to go to (even with 100,000 people online) and players get dropped from the party, or the whole party will end up disolved unless the party leader presses O and backs out of it after a few seconds (this can still result in one or two people dropped)
.......Done for now, will add more later, thanks for submissions!
- AkiraTetsuo 
- Número de Mensagens : 687
Idade : 46
Localização : PTM
Data de inscrição : 30/11/2008
Re: Call of duty : World at War
Seg Jan 12 2009, 06:08
9) INVITE FRIENDS: Non functional, and has been for the majority of players since approx Friday 26th Dec 2008. Inviting other people results in error messages such as "game session is no longer available" to the invitee. A small minorty seem unafected by the bug. This still affects people even when both clients are open to the internet and not behind a firewall or NAT.
Zé fersa afinal é bronca dos servidores deles só uma pequena minoria é que nao é afectada por este bug de merda e eu tinha que ter este bug grande bosta!!!
Zé vicio estou te a dever umas facadas no codww pra proxima de fininho dou te as facadas
Zé fersa afinal é bronca dos servidores deles só uma pequena minoria é que nao é afectada por este bug de merda e eu tinha que ter este bug grande bosta!!!
Zé vicio estou te a dever umas facadas no codww pra proxima de fininho dou te as facadas
- FERSA05 
- Número de Mensagens : 451
Idade : 50
Data de inscrição : 30/11/2008
Re: Call of duty : World at War
Seg Jan 12 2009, 07:29
Boas amigo,
ainda bem que está identificado, eu pelos vistos sou um dos poucos que não tenho o problema :).
O que gostávamos de saber era quando sairá o bendito PATCH... Isso é que era uma boa notícia...
Lamentável é lançarem um jogo, posterior ao COD 4, no qual também existiram problemas semelhantes, e o mesmo padecer dos alguns males comuns...
Vamos ver quanto tempo levarão a corrigir estas cenas todos...
Espero que pouco :)
ainda bem que está identificado, eu pelos vistos sou um dos poucos que não tenho o problema :).
O que gostávamos de saber era quando sairá o bendito PATCH... Isso é que era uma boa notícia...
Lamentável é lançarem um jogo, posterior ao COD 4, no qual também existiram problemas semelhantes, e o mesmo padecer dos alguns males comuns...
Vamos ver quanto tempo levarão a corrigir estas cenas todos...
Espero que pouco :)
Re: Call of duty : World at War
Seg Jan 12 2009, 07:45
AkiraTetsuo escreveu:9) INVITE FRIENDS: Non functional, and has been for the majority of players since approx Friday 26th Dec 2008. Inviting other people results in error messages such as "game session is no longer available" to the invitee. A small minorty seem unafected by the bug. This still affects people even when both clients are open to the internet and not behind a firewall or NAT.
Zé fersa afinal é bronca dos servidores deles só uma pequena minoria é que nao é afectada por este bug de merda e eu tinha que ter este bug grande bosta!!!
Zé vicio estou te a dever umas facadas no codww pra proxima de fininho dou te as facadas
LOL, peço desculpa mas teve de ser... eu já estava a desistir de disparar, aquilo tem estado sempre com lag por isso sempre que tenho oportunidade dou facada.
No outro dia se eles não tivessem parados eu não os conseguia matar ou tinha de gastar o carregador inteiro.
Fico á espera do patch.
- AkiraTetsuo 
- Número de Mensagens : 687
Idade : 46
Localização : PTM
Data de inscrição : 30/11/2008
Re: Call of duty : World at War
Seg Jan 12 2009, 08:36
Viciado escreveu:AkiraTetsuo escreveu:9) INVITE FRIENDS: Non functional, and has been for the majority of players since approx Friday 26th Dec 2008. Inviting other people results in error messages such as "game session is no longer available" to the invitee. A small minorty seem unafected by the bug. This still affects people even when both clients are open to the internet and not behind a firewall or NAT.
Zé fersa afinal é bronca dos servidores deles só uma pequena minoria é que nao é afectada por este bug de merda e eu tinha que ter este bug grande bosta!!!
Zé vicio estou te a dever umas facadas no codww pra proxima de fininho dou te as facadas
LOL, peço desculpa mas teve de ser... eu já estava a desistir de disparar, aquilo tem estado sempre com lag por isso sempre que tenho oportunidade dou facada.
No outro dia se eles não tivessem parados eu não os conseguia matar ou tinha de gastar o carregador inteiro.
Fico á espera do patch.
Sempre a rir e na desportiva!!!!!
- pmbentoNovato
- Número de Mensagens : 18
Idade : 42
Data de inscrição : 22/12/2008
Re: Call of duty : World at War
Ter Jan 13 2009, 03:04
Curioso é que quando era eu a convidar e a fazer a party, normalmente toda a gente se conseguia juntar
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